Transcendental Travel
Immersion Travel - Live the Journey - Experience the Moment
~ To journey, exploring the world around us in an effort to connect with people, places, and our Higher Self ~
Give yourself permission to explore, to get lost in the moment and to immerse yourself in the experience.
Transcend ~ To go beyond and to rise above the perceived limits
Travel ~ To make a journey from one place to another
“To let one’s mind alone to experience but to not try to catch hold of one’s experience in thought ... to let the whole world come to me without interfering with it in any way.”
Journey Intros
The Classic Alpine Adventure
The Four Corners
The Adirondacks - A Motorcycle Journey
The Canadian Rockies - A Motorcycle Journey
Newfoundland - A Motorcycle Journey
Across the USA 50 Days at 50 Years Old
Motorcycle Documentary Features
Journey Episodes and Video Series
Series 1: The Journey 50 Days at 50 Years Old Across the USA
Series 3: The Canadian Rockies
The Four Corners
Series 2: A Newfound Man in Newfoundland
The Adirondacks
The Classic Alpine Adventure
On the Road and Other Adventures
On the Road in North Carolina