Week 1 - The First Days On the Road – Finding my Groove

Week 1 - The First Days On the Road – Finding my Groove

It’s about the people you meet! Nature, riding, and the outdoors are aspects of the journey, but the people you meet and their stories, well that’s what traveling is all about. The wonderful thing about hearing other peoples’ stories and sharing my own is that very quickly it becomes clear how connected we all are and how “same” we are. There’s no politics, religion, or judgment. Simply, people are connecting around a common theme, travel, but the conversation turns quickly to the “story.” It’s an opportunity to get a glimpse into people’s lives and to share as well.

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The Vision - Out of My Mind and No Thoughts

The Vision - Out of My Mind and No Thoughts

I’m in a good place now, because I’m very “present”. My attention is focused on the here-and-now. I don’t feel the need to run from something or run to something. I’m very cognizant of that as I contemplate another journey. The outward and inward journeys of life are ultimately part of the One journey. As I’ve experienced previously, travel and being on the road can quicken the experiencing of awakening to those truths we hold deep within our Being. Travel is a great thing. A means to experience the world, people, places, and to learn about yourself. For me at times, travel was the catalyst for that inward journey. I felt the need to be on the road to light that spark inside me and ignite awareness.

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