Leaving to Come Home

Leaving to Come Home

There is the fear of being away from home and my loved ones from an extended period of time. A fear of leaving people and stuff behind. It’s funny, there is less fear about the unknown and what lies ahead, and more fear about letting go. I really want to do something about the worrying and fears. Letting go of those two things are desperately need. This is part of the work I want to do to find that “best version” of myself.

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The Vision and Waking-up to the Possibilities

The Vision and Waking-up to the Possibilities

“Transcendental Travel” as an idea, as a concept, represented how I’ve been traveling for years, both as a solo traveler and with my family. Immersive travel experiences that energized me, inspired me, and fueled future dreams were something I made happen yearly. There was always a desire to take it further and to do more and I was open to the possibilities of what that meant.

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